Walk-In Notary
Notary Public & Commissioner of Oaths for Ontario
We have a Lawyer, Notary, and Commissioners of Oaths on staff at Teixeira Law Office. We are licensed by the Law Society of Ontario and our seals and signatures are registered with Official Documents Services Canada. This means that our notarizations are eligible for the Legalization and Authentication Process, also known as Apostille, needed to hold up in Ontario and outside of Canada for those Countries that are part of the Hague convention, such as Brazil or Portugal.
We offer a full range of Notary Public services. This includes Commissioner of Oaths, Certified copies, Affidavits, Forms and applications (Passport, employment, etc.)
Notarization Fees
Walk-ins are welcome; however, an appointment may be booked in advance to avoid wait times.
We accept cash, credit card, debit, and e-transfer.
Notarial Services
All listed prices are subject to change.
Commissioning (Commissioner of Oaths) | $40 |
For the first commissioning requiring a signature (i.e. not based on how many documents) at the same appointment
Notarization (Notary Public/Lawyer) | $70 |
For the first notarization requiring a signature (i.e. not based on how many documents) at the same appointment
Each notarization includes the notary's signature and seal
Exhibits to Affidavits are a separate notarization
Additional Notarization or Commissioning | $15​
For each additional notarization or commissioning requiring a signature (i.e. not based on how many documents) at the same appointment.
Drafting Services | Varies by the complexity of the document
Let us help draft your document with the information you provide to us​
Please call our office for a quote.
The notary public or commissioner will draft documents based on your instructions and information provided to them by you.
Additional Services
​Additional Witness | $35 per witness
Some documents that need to be notarized/commissioned require an additional witness to witness you sign/execute. We can provide an additional witness if required.
Please bring all documents you require to be notarized or commissioned. The notary public in charge is not responsible for the accuracy of any documents to be notarized.
Identity Verification
You must bring two pieces of valid ID. The notary public will photocopy or take a picture of your ID.
The first ID must include a photo of you. Acceptable IDs include a Driver's Licence, Passport, PR Card, Citizenship Card, and Ontario Photo Card.
The second ID may be any document that bears your full name. Acceptable IDs include credit cards, birth certificates, SIN cards, Govt Issued Marriage Certificates, Certificates of Indian Status Cards, Study Permit / Student Authorization, Employment Authorization / Work Permits.
Health Cards are NOT considered acceptable ID.
Administering Oath or Document Verification
If commissioning, the commissioner/notary will administer an oath in which you swear or affirm the document's contents.
If you are obtaining a certified true copy, you provide the original document (and copy) you want notarized to the notary to compare and satisfy themselves that the copy of the document is a true copy of the original.
DO NOT sign any documents before your appointment.
We reserve the right not to notarize/commission any type of document or any document for any reason.
Note: It is the client’s sole responsibility to ensure the document(s) signed and commissioned are acceptable by the authority to whom and in the jurisdiction in which the document(s) are being presented.
If you would like to inquire further, please reach out or stop by during business hours.